About admin

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So far admin has created 23 blog entries.

Do travel agents still exist?

In most US cities, the share of trips made by bike struggles to reach 2%. In Davis it’s 10 times that – but the city is becoming less and less of a paradise for pedalling.


Why Can’t We Be Friends?

In most US cities, the share of trips made by bike struggles to reach 2%. In Davis it’s 10 times that – but the city is becoming less and less of a paradise for pedalling.


8 Reasons to Find Joy in Your Job

I’ve never understood why so many business employees still think it’s fashionable to display a negative attitude about their work and never seem to find a job they enjoy.


Sed porttitor lectus nibh

Popular across Europe are boat hotels – or “botels” – refurbished remnants of the continent’s nautical past now used as modern-day lodgings.

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